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South West Essex Community Education Trust

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Teaching and Learning - CPD

We are passionate about supporting all our colleagues in their professional development. We empower our staff with frequent opportunities to continue to learn, innovate and share knowledge. Guided by research and evidence, we are committed to improving the learning and development of our workforce. This in turn will transform the lives of the children and young people across all our schools. Put simply, high quality professional development supports all colleagues and benefits all children.

Collaboration is highly valued. We provide staff with opportunities to work closely with colleagues across schools, underpinned by the shared sense of purpose across our schools.

A wide range of CPD opportunities are offered at SWECET. We support our colleagues to undertake relevant external training such as the new specialist National Professional Qualifications, working with our local Teaching School Hub.

The four NPQs in specialist areas of teaching are:

  • Leading teacher development – learn how to become a teacher educator and successfully support teachers in your school
  • Leading teaching – learn how to lead the teaching and learning of a subject, year group or phase
  • Leading behaviour and culture – learn how to create a culture of good behaviour and high expectations that staff and pupils thrive in
  • Leading literacy– learn how to effectively teach and promote literacy across the whole school, year group, key stage or phase