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South West Essex Community Education Trust

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Leadership Development

We are very proud to offer a range of leadership development pathways for leaders at all career stages, from those aspiring to their first position of responsibility to those seeking headship and beyond.

We are committed to the principles outlined in the DfE Standards for Teachers’ Professional Development.

Effective professional development should be seen as a key driver not only of staff development, but also of recruitment, retention, wellbeing and school improvement

Extract from Teacher Development Trust’s introduction to DfE Standards for Teachers’ Professional Development, July 2016

As a former leading Teaching School Alliance, we are experienced in planning, designing and delivering leadership progression programmes. We now offer two bespoke leadership programmes, led by our CEO, headteachers and Chair of Trustees:

SWECET Leadership Pathway 1

This pathway is aimed at both aspiring and existing middle leaders. It consists of six face-to-face sessions, supported by intersessional learning and personalised placement /work shadowing time.

Sessions include:

  • Session 1 – Successful Leadership in Education
  • Session 2 – Vision, purpose and goals
  • Session 3 – Building Trust and communicating effectively
  • Session 4 – Becoming an agent of change
  • Session 5 – Making Informed Decisions
  • Session 6 – Reflection and celebration

SWECET Leadership Pathway 2

This pathway is targeted at experienced middle leaders and those embarking on senior leadership roles. The programme has two face-to-face sessions, an individual mentor and a bespoke work-shadowing programme to diversify the leadership experiences of participants.

We also support our colleagues through the revised National Professional Qualifications for Leadership in Senior Leadership, Headship, Executive Headship and Early Years Leadership.

As a Teaching School Alliance, we worked in partnership with University College London’s Institute of Education to offer the leadership suite for early, middle and senior leaders, and continue to promote these programmes for our staff.