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South West Essex Community Education Trust

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Initial Teacher Training

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At SWECET, high-quality teaching is at the heart of everything we do. If you share the belief that every young person in our community deserves an education that will maximise their future life chances, why not train to teach with us?

There are a number of ways you can train to become a teacher. All routes lead to an award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS). Some options also provide the opportunity to gain a Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE).

At SWECET, we offer school based training. Many of our places are provided as part of our local School Direct partnership, which is accredited by the TES Institute. We also collaborate with a broad range of organisations providing ITT, such as SCITTs and universities.

School Direct Routes

The School Direct route has two options:

School Direct Unsalaried

Trainees taking this route will be charged a tuition fee. It may be possible to access DfE bursaries in certain subjects or student loans to help you pay the fees. All your teaching is undertaken alongside experienced teachers, and you will gradually take responsibility for more teaching across the programme. Full-time training is completed over a school year. Part-time options usually take between 18-24 months to complete.

School Direct Salaried

Salaried programmes offer a salary while you train. You will be employed as an unqualified teacher with your own timetable and groups to plan and teach. You will also have time scheduled each week to undertake training with your ITT provider. The salaried route usually requires some experience in education. This route also includes postgraduate teaching apprenticeship.

Salaried routes are also available through partnership with organisations such as Teach First.


For further information about funding, you can find access the DfE website at Fund your teacher training | Get into Teaching GOV.UK (education.gov.uk)