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South West Essex Community Education Trust

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Our Values

Our academies are united by the things that make us both similar and unique – the DNA that ties us all together. The SWECET DNA is made up of the following components:

Developing our people:

We share best practice and research and are not afraid to ask our colleagues for help or to share our skills with others. We provide excellent training for our staff through the Thurrock Teaching School Alliance and we hold ourselves accountable for the quality of the education we provide. We have clear measurable objectives that link to students’ outcomes and we are open to the scrutiny of others as advice and critique are key to the continued success of any learning community.

Nurturing our differences:

We respect the differences of our schools and all the members of our Trust. Diversity is a strength and we ensure that no one is excluded or left behind. Diversity allows us to grow and learn from one another.

Aspiring for excellence:

Our pupils are capable of amazing things and we always set the bar high to ensure they can achieve their full potential. We are committed to the success of the pupils and adults in our schools and believe we can, alongside other trusts, transform the national education system. Therefore, we celebrate the successes of our partners as we would our own. When we work together, anything is possible.