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South West Essex Community Education Trust

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Becoming an Academy

South West Essex Community Education Trust (SWECET) was established in April 2015 with the belief that every young person in our community needs and deserves an education that will maximise their future life chances. We pride ourselves on being an approachable and friendly Trust and we are always interested in building new relationships with schools who share our vision and values.

If you agree with the following, we could be the Trust for you:

  • We believe schools should maintain their own identity and unique learning environment. If your school were to join SWECET, you would not have to compromise on what makes your school special. We celebrate and make the most of our differences.
  • We believe in working together. Your school will benefit from working with other like-minded schools within the Trust, sharing best practice and new ways of thinking.
  • We believe in providing our schools with support, both on a big and small scale, focusing on the areas you need the most support. This means you can spend more time focusing on lesson planning and your students’ development.
  • We believe in valuing and supporting our staff to be the best they can be. We are part of the Thurrock Teaching School Alliance, which harnesses the outstanding practice across its Alliance Partner schools through training. This means your colleagues could access excellent opportunities for continued professional development.
  • We believe in creative solutions to difficult problems. We are successfully using a creative approach towards recruitment and fighting the barriers that keep the very best teachers from teaching in our schools. Your school could be fully staffed with strong and capable teachers.

To find out more about joining SWECET, please don’t hesitate to contact our Chief Operating Officer, Peter Melville on
