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South West Essex Community Education Trust

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Admissions Consultation

The admissions consultation for admissions in 2025 ran from 9 November to 21 December 2023 and has now closed.

There were no proposed changes to the current admissions arrangements for Chadwell St Mary’s Primary School, Deneholm Primary School, Orsett Heath Academy, and William Edwards School.  No comments or suggestions were received in response to the consultations for these schools.

The Trust received one comment regarding the addition of a priority category for children who attend the nursery at Stifford Clays Primary School.

After considering the comment and the current and recent historic admissions to the school, the trustees felt that additional priority category was not required as children attending the nursery are well catered for under the current arrangements.

The Trust did not receive any comments or suggestions relating to the proposed changes to the admissions criteria for Marshalls Park Academy and as such, the trustees have agreed to proceed with the proposed amendments, which remove admissions arrangements for sixth form and introduce a priority category for the children of SWECET staff, in line with all SWECET academies.

Trustees are grateful to those who responded to the consultation.

The trustees agreed to proceed with the admissions arrangements presented in the consultation, in line with the current arrangements.

The final determined admissions arrangements will be published on the school’s website, in line with the Admissions Code requirement.

Primary Schools:

Secondary Schools: