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South West Essex Community Education Trust

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Statutory Information

The Trust is aware of its obligations under the Academy Trust Handbook and all required disclosures, including those of pay (across all schools) and related parties are contained in the statutory financial information and accounts below.

Please find below our statutory financial information and accounts, and a link to the current version of the ESFA Academy Trust Handbook

Details of Executive pay, and other payments are presented in the beneath accounts.

SWECET Accounts 2023-24

SWECET Accounts for 2022/23


SWECET Accounts for 20/21Please find attached our Funding Agreements:

SWECET Master Funding Agreement

SWECET Master Funding Agreement July 2024

Chadwell Funding Agreement

Deneholm Funding Agreement

Deneholm Deed of Variation July 2024

Marshalls Park Funding Agreement

Orsett Heath Funding Agreement

Stifford Clays Funding Agreement

William Edwards Funding Agreement

Please find our Company Documents:

SWECET Articles of Association

Memo of Association

Please find our most recent Gender Pay Gap Report:

Gender Pay Gap 22/23

Gender Pay Gap 23-24

Gender Pay Gap 24-25

Please find our most recent Public Sector Apprenticeship Target Report: